Wednesday, April 18, 2007

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Partial Birth Abortion Ban...

This is just a small step, but at least it's a step in the right direction. The Supreme Court of the United States today has upheld the partial birth abortion ban with a slim 5-4 vote. Justice Kennedy was the swing vote this time around. But, in order to make further strides, three things need to (must) occur from this point forward:

1) The eventual replacement of at least one if not more of the existing liberal judges on the court (Souter, Breyer, Ginsburg and Stevens),

2) A President who will continue to nominate constitutionally sound-minded, pro-life justices for any future vacancies (Stevens turns 87 next week, and Ginsburg has battled cancer in recent years),

3) A Senate with enough constitutionally sound-minded, pro-life members with a filibuster-busting majority who will vote to confirm said new justices.

The current make-up of the Senate will make it difficult for Bush to nominate such a justice should an opening occur between now and January 19, 2009. Come January 20, 2009, we'll need the beginnings of a serious a change in the Senate, as well as a President Duncan Hunter or President Fred Thompson.

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