Yes, people, we are on very dangerous ground right now. On a global/government-led scale, it showed itself with the NSA and IRS scandals. On a societal/mob-mentality level, it showed itself with Chick-fil-A, Elaine Huguenin, Brendan Eich, George Zimmerman, Cliven Bundy, Donald Sterling, etc. (and all the hypocritical double-standards that are in stark contrast).
You play with fire, we all get burned.
It's Orwell's "1984" mixed with Huxley's "Brave New World" and Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451". Ladies & Gentlemen… I give you "2014: The Year of the Thought Police":

Private Property…
Self Defense…
Freedom of Religion…
Freedom of Thought…
Freedom of Speech…
These fundamental principles - these fundamental rights - are at risk. If we don't stop this now, we won't be able to turn back.