Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Latest GWOT news and links...

Lots of Democrats were having a cow over this past weekend regarding the ABC mini-series, "The Path to 9/11". ABC caved to some (but not all) of the pressure, and made some edits before broadcasting. But that's okay, because you can view the edited clips here. (heh!)

Peggy Noonan wrote an incredibly emotional and reflective column commemorating the 5th anniversary of 9/11.

RWN posts the before and after comments of certain Democrats regarding their stances on Iraq.

Good (but developing) information regarding recently captured terrorists in Afghanistan here.

Hugh's great post on the San Francisco attack here.

Clarification of the evidence on the links between Iraq & Al Qaida.

OBL and Al Qaida's latest series of threats.

And concerns about someone potentially already inside the U.S.

Intriguing information from the Vatican regarding the Israel-Hezbollah/Hamas situation here.

In addition is a verrrrry interesting talk given by Pope Benedict XVI regarding the violent aspects of Islam today.

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