It's that time again to remind everyone about the extent of the actions and effects of terrorism throughout the world, and especially against the U.S. The following list
(which I've posted here twice before) has been updated, but is by no means exhaustive:
Sep 4-5, 2007 --- Eight suspected al-Qaida linked terrorists arrested in Denmark (9/4) and another three arrested in Germany (9/5), foiling plots to attack U.S. and NATO sites in the respective countries.
Jul 21, 2007 --- Report alleges Iraqi smuggling ring works out of Chaparral, NM
(can you say, "Secure the borders!"?).
Jul 20, 2007 --- TSA warns of dry-runs at airports. The seizures at airports in San Diego, Milwaukee, Houston and Baltimore included "wires, switches, pipes or tubes, cell phone components and dense clay-like substances, including block cheese."
Jul 5, 2007 --- San Diego airport checked baggage found containing two icepacks covered in duct tape. The icepacks had clay inside them rather than the normal blue gel.
July 2007 --- Michigan: The U.S. Treasury Department on Tuesday declared a Dearborn-based charity a front for the terrorist organization Hezbollah, and is an arm of the Iranian Martyrs Foundation, a group with offices in Lebanon and elsewhere that the U.S. government said funds the designated terrorist groups Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad and aids Palestinian suicide bombers and their families..
July 2007 --- Al-Qaeda threatens to escalate attacks in North Africa
July 2007 --- U.S. Muslim convert gets 10 years for Al-Qaeda training, participation in Somali jihad.
July 2007 --- links between British Jihadist investigations and threats against the USA included July 5 report that 45 doctors had used UK jihadist web site to make plans to attack US facilities such as the shipping facilities for USS John F Kennedy in Jacksonville, Florida, July 6 reports that two of the UK car bomb doctors sought work in Philadelphia, and July 4 report that AQ attacks in USA would follow attacks in UK. On July 6, it was reported by AP and the Philadelphia Inquirer that two of the UK car bomb doctors sought work in the United States in Philadelphia.
Jun 30, 2007 --- Jeep Cherokee driven into the glass doors of the main terminal of Glasgow International Airport, and burst into flames. A suspected car bomb failed to detonate, and the driver of the car, Kafeel Ahmed,[6] on fire after allegedly dousing himself himself in fuel, together with a second suspect Bilal Abdulla, accused of being the Jeep's passenger, attacked the police.
Jun 29, 2007 --- Two unexploded car bombs were discovered in London.
Jun 4, 2007 --- Milwaukee, WI: The carry-on baggage of a USPER contained several items resembling IED components, such as a wire coil wrapped around a possible initiator, an electrical switch, batteries, three tubes, and two blocks of cheese.
Jun 3, 2007 --- John F. Kennedy International Airport terror plot. Thwarted homegrown Islamist terrorism plot to destroy the fuel supply system for the airport located in New York City and cause a large amount of causalities by blowing up the connecting pipeline system that runs through densely populated neighborhoods.
May 7, 2007 --- Fort Dix attack plot: Six men inspired by Jihadist videos arrested in the US, in a failed homegrown terrorism plot to kill US soldiers.
Apr 28, 2007 --- Saudi Arabia announced it has arrested one hundred and seventy two people in an Al Queda plot to attack oil facilities, military bases and public figures using civilian aircraft as suicide missiles.
Apr 12, 2007 --- A U.S. federal grand jury indicted Christopher Paul, 43, a U.S. citizen and resident of Columbus, Ohio on charges of joining al-Qaida and conspiring to bomb European tourist resorts and U.S. government facilities and military bases overseas.
Nov 21, 2006 --- “Fly Imams” incident in Minneapolis Airport (U.S. Airways).
Nov 20 2006 --- A suspected terrorist bomb explodes on a train in India (West Bengal).
Nov 8, 2006 --- Houston, TX: A USPER’s checked baggage contained a plastic bag with a 9-volt battery, wires, a block of brown clay-like minerals, and pipes.
Sep 19, 2006 --- Military coup in Thailand by a Muslim General.
Sep 16, 2006 --- Baltimore, MD: The checked baggage of a couple contained a plastic bag with a block of processed cheese taped to another plastic bag holding a cellular phone charger.
Sept 2006 --- Threats to assassinate Pope Benedict XVI.
Sep 12, 2006 --- Failed U.S. embassy attack in Damascus, Syria.
Aug 10, 2006 --- UK to USA flights (arrests made - foiled plot to involve 10 airplanes over Atlantic Ocean)
Jul/Aug '06 --- Hamas & Hezbullah (kidnapping and bombing of Israel)
Jul 31, 2006 --- Koblenz & Dortmund, Germany (two unexploded suitcase bombs on trains found)
Jul 11, 2006 --- Mumbai (Bombay), India (train bombings)
Jun 3, 2006 --- Toronto, Canada (17 arrested - foiled plot to use 3 tons of explosives in Toronto)
Mar 7, 2006 --- Varanasi, India bombing
Oct 1, 2005 --- Bali bombing (two locales)
Jul 7, 2005 --- London bombing (trains/underground)
Jun 2005 --- Operatives discreetly practiced a mock attack while riding the London subway in late June 2005.
Thru-out '05 --- repeated suicide bombings throughout Israel
Thru-out '05 --- Paris riots
Sep 9, 2004 --- Bali bombing (Australian embassy)
Sep 4, 2004 --- Beslan school hostage (Chechen)
Jun 29, 2004 –-- Northwest Flight#327 from Detroit to L.A. The “13 Syrian Musicians” dry-run (confirmed as a dry-run by declassified Feds report in May 2007).
Mar 11, 2004 --- Madrid bombing (trains)
Aug 5, 2003 --- Jakarta bombing (Marriott Hotel)
Oct 26, 2002 --- Moscow theater (Chechen)
Oct 12, 2002 --- Bali bombing (Kuta)
Thru-out '02 --- Daniel Pearl and others kidnapped and beheaded
Dec 13, 2001 --- New Delhi, India (Parliament bombing)
Oct 29, 2001 --- New Delhi, India (bombing)
Sep/Oct, ‘01 --- Anthrax letters in the U.S. Postal delivery (5 dead, 21 illnesses)
Sep 11, 2001 --- WTC/Pentagon/Western PA
Oct 12, 2000 --- USS Cole attack
Dec 31, 1999 --- The failed attempt at major terror attacks on the Millennium (thanks to a sharp Washington State border patrol officer who stopped one of the terrorists trying to drive across the border, and found explosive materials in the trunk of the car.)
1999 --- Second planned attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II in Manila (the Pope cancelled trip due to illness)
Aug 7, 1998 --- Nairobi (bombing of US Embassies – Kenya and Tanzania)
Jun 25, 1996 --- Saudi Arabia (Kobar Towers bombing)
Jan 1995 --- Planned assassination attempt of Pope John Paul II in Manila (Ramzi Yousef injured himself before the attempt)
In 1995 --- attempted airline bombing plot over Pacific Ocean
In 1994 --- Buenos Aires Jewish Center bombing
Oct 3, 1993 --- Mogadishu, Somalia (Black Hawk Down)
Feb 26, 1993 --- NYC (the first WTC bombing)
Dec 21, 1988 --- PanAm 103 (Lockerbie, Scotland)
In 1985 --- TWA flight 847 hijacking (Athens, Greece)
Oct 7, 1985 --- Achille Lauro (cruise ship killing)
Oct 23, 1983 --- Beirut (US Marines barracks bombed)
May 13, 1981 --- Assassination attempt of Pope John Paul II by Turkish Muslim, Mehmet Ali Ağca (hired by Soviets)
1979-80 --- Iranian hostage crisis (444 days)
Sep 5, 1972 --- Munich (Olympics - Israeli hostages killed)