Tuesday, November 04, 2008


With a well-formed conscience... VOTE!!!


Election Day Prayer

Almighty God, all things are in your hands: our nation, our communities, our families, our lives.

In this time of great decision, bless our country and its people. Prosper the efforts of the just and true, and thwart the purposes of the unjust and dishonest. Preserve our land from violence and turmoil, and keep our relationships decent and respectful.

Inspire voters, legislators, executives, and judges so our country may be a land where morality is furthered by law and authority; where life is protected, marriage is respected, and family is supported; where the innocent are spared, and the guilty are punished; where justice is tempered by mercy, and mercy fortified by justice.

Help us to keep the United States of America a land where the rule of law and respect for individual dignity are the legal foundation of a just order.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, pray above all else ... except voting. We are contemplating a course of leadership for America that would seek to punish the innocent and reward the lazy. This new illuminati rationale is beyond the pale. Our founding fathers knew Who directed their course. There was no moral grayness for them.