Sunday, November 05, 2006

A variety of Catholic news stories....

First up is Fr. Richard Neuhaus' take on the inner wranglings at the National Leadership Roundtable on Church Management. It makes for some interesting reading.

Things are also afoot at Georgetown University. It's already not my favorite place of higher education, given that I'm a Villanova graduate. But, an endowment chair in the name of a pro-abortion priest? You're kidding me, right? *sigh*

Pope Benedict ends a short-termed indult regarding the purification of Communion vessels. To help stem sacrilegious abuses during and after masses, Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers are no longer allowed to do the purifications.

Papa Ben has also been giving audiences on the 12 Apostles. Jimmy Akin has the links to the text of his talks here. Apparently, the Pontiff is not done yet (more to come).

Cardinal Claudio Hummes, recently chosen by Pope Benedict XVI as Prefect of the Congregation for Clergy, issued two statements last week. One was in reference to the controversial and short-lived "liberation theology" (which got several priests and religious in trouble in the 80s), and its ties to Marxist Communism. The second on the need to set higher standards in seminaries for priest and religious formation.

And, finally, the BBC has admitted to anti-Christian bias.

(hat tip to RCB for that last story, as well as the one on Communion vessels)

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