Random reflections and contemplative thoughts, spiritual insights and humorous anecdotes, fickle film reviews and rambling music musings, occasional (okay, more than occasional) societal and political rants, and a whole lot more... all from the point of view of a humble, constitutional, common sense, conservative, Catholic, work-in-progress kinda guy who never gives up hope, because to be without hope is to become selfish.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year Blessings
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
A Brief Christmas Eve Contemplation...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Bill Bennett has a blog...
Fred Thompson goes to radio...
iBreviary (Daily Prayers Go 21st Century)
The Vatican is endorsing new technology that brings the book of daily prayers used by priests straight onto iPhones.
The Vatican's Pontifical Council for Social Communications is embracing the iBreviary, an iTunes application created by a technologically savvy Italian priest, the Rev. Paolo Padrini, and an Italian Web designer.
The application includes the Breviary prayer book — in Italian, English, Spanish, French and Latin and, in the near future, Portuguese and German. Another section includes the prayers of the daily Mass, and a third contains various other prayers.
After a free trial period in which the iBreviary was downloaded approximately 10,000 times in Italy, an official version was released earlier this month, Padrini said.
The application costs euro0.79 ($1.10), while upgrades will be free. Padrini's proceeds are going to charity.
Digital Downloads and the Music Industry...
More than 10 million of the 13 million music tracks available on the internet failed to sell a single copy last year, a study has found.
It showed that for the online singles market 80 per cent of all revenue came from around 52,000 tracks.
Of the 1.23 million albums available, only 173,000 were bought, meaning 85 per cent did not sell at all.
The study, by Will Page, chief economist of the MCPS-PRS Alliance, a not-for-profit royalty collection society, challenges the idea that niche markets were the key to the future for internet sellers...
[Mr. Page] continued: "There is an eerie similarity between a digital and high-street retailer in terms of what constitutes an efficient inventory and the shape of their respective demand shape of their respective demand curves. I think there's something more going on there: a case of new schools meets old rules."
More Russian Protests...
Protesters took to the streets in several Russian cities in response to an increase in car tariffs. Police clubbed, kicked and detained dozens at the unauthorized rally.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Meet "Mriga"...

She's currently on layaway, but I hope to have her in my hands by the end of March. She's Canadian: an Art & Lutherie Acoustic Cutaway Dreadnaught (from one of the Godin companies of guitars), with an Antique Burst Cedar solid top, Wild Cherry sides and back, Silver Leaf Maple neck, Rosewood fingerboard and bridge, semi-gloss custom varnish, Tusq nut and saddle. No electronics to start (I'll add that later).
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Blago and the Obama/Palin MSM Double-Standard...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Introverts vs. Extroverts
Al Qaeda in Iraq BEFORE the War...
Did Fitz Delay The Blago Arrest?
Putin (and his puppet) & Kasparov Clash Again...
Police thwarted a banned anti-Kremlin protest in central Moscow on Sunday, seizing dozens of demonstrators and shoving them into trucks.
Organizers said 130 people were detained around the capital but police put the number at 90. The opposition movement headed by fierce Kremlin critic and former chess champion Garry Kasparov said the co-leader of the group was one of those seized.
The Other Russia movement organized the protest, in defiance of a ban, to draw attention to Russia's economic troubles and to protest Kremlin plans to extend the presidential term from four years to six. Critics say the constitutional change as part of a retreat from democracy and is aimed at strengthening the grip of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his allies.
News broadcasts on the main television networks made no mention of the Moscow crackdown or of protests in St. Petersburg and Vladivostok.
Friday, December 12, 2008
More Democratic Corruption (surprise, surprise)...
Bernard L. Madoff, a former chairman of the Nasdaq Stock Market and a force in Wall Street trading for nearly 50 years, was arrested by federal agents Thursday, a day after his sons turned him in for running what they said their father called "a giant Ponzi scheme."
More Blagobamamania...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Obligatory Blago Post...
UPDATE: This is getting juicy! A 2-hour conference call with lots of details. And Michelle is now in the mix. (heh-heh-heh)
UPDATE #2: Looks like Rezko is not finished singing, yet. (heh-heh-heh... break out the popcorn, this is gonna be funnnnnnnnnnnnn)
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Getting Disappointed With Steele...
UPDATE: Apparently, William Bennett has endorsed Steele for the RNC post... hmmmmmm. Meanwhile, Steve Forbes endorses Blackwell. This is getting verrrrrrry interesting.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
A few good links...
And RWN has a post about people who are every bit conservative, but just don't know it.
The Zo chimes in with his own thoughts about conservatism:
Fred Thompson speaks on the state of the economy:
Friday, December 05, 2008
Oil Prices Back to Normal...
But we all know that that market can fluctuate again, and OPEC nations like Iran, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, plus the market speculators, as well as the Russia/Georgia/Ukraine situation could very easily bring oil and gas prices back up to obscene highs. Which makes this bit of information about the Democrat-controlled congress and the Obomination Administration very troubling.
Monday, December 01, 2008
On the Liturgical Cycle...
"Probably the closest thing I ever experienced to the liturgical year was simply the change in seasons, but even that was a surprisingly weak structure. After all... celebrating feasts of bountiful harvests or the arrival of fair weather is nothing more than a symbolic gesture now that we have supermarkets that overflow with a surplus of every variety of food every day of the year. Thanks to air conditioners and heaters, winters and summers no longer impact life on anything other than a surface level. And the rhythm of the seasons can fluctuate drastically depending on where you live.
"It wasn't until I began exploring Christianity that I realized how much I craved some sort of kind of anchor for my years, and for life in general."
Read the whole post here.